Body Care

Cellulite is made up of collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person’s skin. This causes the surface of the skin to dimple or pucker and look lumpy. Often, diet and exercise aren’t enough to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Previously, your only option was to conceal problem areas. Now, there is something you can do about unwanted cellulite.

Body contouring is a series of treatments by KD Aesthetics provides which uses laser technology to increase collagen production and decrease the appearance of cellulite. It also reduces overall volume and tightens loose skin. This technology can provide amazing results after just one treatment, but best results can require four to six treatments. Your DK consultant will help you personalize the best course of treatment to achieve the results you want.

We have the best machines contract to improve the skins contour, texture and shape, which results in less cellulite. Plus, these treatments are virtually pain-free.

ü Popular areas for body contouring treatments include problem areas such as:
ü Buttocks
ü Abs
ü Hips
ü Thighs
ü Love handles
ü Knees
ü Arms
ü Face & neck
Radiofrequency for the body: RF is the king of the energy modalities, and with this device, please discover our KD Aesthetics rage of treatment .

Ultrasound skin tightening : Ultrasound energy delivered via a treatment called Ultherapy employs sound waves to boost collagen stores under the skin’s surface, firming skin. It certainly has its fair share of advocates for tightening the neck, chin, and brow. “Ultherapy can penetrate at different depths based on how we focus the energy.
For patients at or near their ideal body weight who do not need significant reshaping in an area, non-surgical treatments can be a great option to reduce isolated pockets of diet and exercise resistant fat without surgery, and with little to no downtime. However, it is important to have realistic expectations about what results a non-surgical treatment can achieve.